Businesses in all industries are under pressure to adopt leading edge technologies, but those in the consumer-facing retail sector feel particularly under pressure.

Leveraging emerging digital technologies to provide omni-channel customer experiences is a smart means of competitive differentiation for retailers. It also opens the door to new security risks, because retailers’ attack surface is expanding and the complexity of managing network security continues to increase. 

Challenges in protecting applications and data for the modern retailer: 

  • In 2017, 50% of U.S. retailers, and 27% of retail businesses around the world, experienced a data breach
  • Among the most prevalent barriers to securing sensitive data, according to 48% of U.S. retailers, is complexity in the corporate network
  • Security is crucial, but it must not come at the cost of reduced network performance

Download the Free Resource Guide to see how Fortinet Solutions are the perfect fit for keeping your retail business secure and running efficient as possible. 

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